Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hide and Seek!

I've been hiding, if you've been trying to seek me!!
A few things that have happened recently:

-Quit my job
-Started packing up my house
-Searching for a place to live in the SLC area
-Having fun not working  :)

Right now I'm still in my "vacation week" of not having a job. Give me another few days and Ill be ready to get back to working again.  I recently applied for a job at eBay, so I hope to hear back from them!!!! I would love to work there, since I love, love eBay. I applied for a job in the support department, so I will definitely have some experience!

In other exciting news:
I have a twitter account and every now and then I play a trivia game, I won one of the games... over a month ago :)  and I won this sweet external hard drive, just for being good at trivia!! Oh yes, I was uber proud! So I had to show it off.

So for now, I'm going to go back and forth from St. George and SLC while I finish moving all my possessions and continue on the hunt for a job!

I will admit that take a little break is nice, but I don't want to take tooo big of a break  :)

1 comment:

Katie said...

I miss Carie friend soooo much!

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