Last night Kyle and I were watching tv.. Modern family. He was laying in my lap, all of a sudden I felt like my arm got Poked by something, like a needle had poked me. I thought it was some pokey thing on Kyle's shirt, so I checked his shirt and didn't find anything. So we went back to watching TV and my arm still felt like it was being poked over and over again.
A few minutes later Kyle felt it to.
Then all of a sudden he stood up suddenly and found a
scorpion right by us on the couch... talk about Freak out X2.
We've had trouble with finding scorpion's the past
few months and we thought it was the end of it.
So me..
being the bravest one... went and grabbed a plastic cup to scoop him up.
Although this picture does not do him justice, this guy was the biggest one we have found so far and happens to be the one we BOTH get stung by.
After I took the picture I immediately flushed him down the toilet.
For the next few hours our arms were numb and stinging. We didn't want to go to bed, as we wanted to make sure we didn't get any serious symptoms.
Here is a picture of us too scared to go to sleep yet.
This morning I am ok... though my arm is still not fully functioning as well. Hopefully it will be better later today.