Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'm back!

I've been slacking in the blogging department, but I have good excuses! I just moved and and haven't had internet.

We finally got internet TODAY! It will be nice not having to use my friends phone or going to someone else's house. (Don't worry Mom, I'll still come visit you)

So I moved into my new house 10 days ago. I moved in with one of my great friends and I'm loving it. We still have things to do around the house, so I'll take some pictures soon.

Christmas was great! I went to my sister's house early in the morning to watch the boys open their presents. It was so fun! They both got a train set that they love!  Then I went to my Mom's to open presents with them. Then we all went to Rachel's house for dinner with my grandparents, aunt Pam and uncle Greg.

 Lately I have just been working and unpacking/organizing things. The house is almost all together.

 I'm excited for the new year and for the new adventures it will bring.
I hope everyone had a great holiday and has a great new year!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


For Thanksgiving this year we all went to Rachel's house. We had about 16 people, so her house was packed with family! We had a delicious feast and it was great seeing all my family.  My sister Jessica came from California and my Grandma Lilga from Florida, so it was great being able to spend some time with them.

I didn't even take any pictures this year, but my mother did, so I will have to get some from her.

I've been fairly busy the past few weeks with moving.  I moved back to St. George about a week ago and I have been house hunting for over a month. Today I finally found something that I love, its a older home, but it has new tile, carpet and paint. So it looks great!  I'll be moving in about 2 weeks, I'm pretty excited to have a place to call "home" again.

That's all the update I have for now. I just wanted to check in and let you all know I'm still alive and kickin!
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