Sunday, March 1, 2015

One year ago

One year ago this sweet soul joined our family and changed my life for the better. 
I am in complete shock that it's already been a year.   It's completely bittersweet to watch your child grow up.  

This morning I started to reminisce about his birth as I was lying in bed. It all started around 7am in the morning when I started to having some small cramping.   It continued the rest of the day and got stronger and more painful.

Here is the full birth story if you want to read it 

At 9:28pm this beautiful baby boy weighing 6 pounds and 12 ounces was born in the comfort of our home.   

I can't believe a year ago was the first time I held my boy!

He was a pretty good nurser from the beginning.   Though my milk came in 5 days after I had him, so we did have a few struggles.   Around 9 1/2 months he started primarily only nursing at night.   Then a month later he completely stopped nursing. It was a bit bittersweet. I loved the bonding him I was able to have just with him! 

On February 17th he started taking a few steps. Then started to walk the rest the day. Now he is a wild, walking boy!

Right now he is busy teething, playing and eating.  

Happy birthday my sweet baby boy!!

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