Monday, November 26, 2007

Chiropractor Experience

The other day I took my monthly visit to the chiropractor.
I left work at 2:25pm sharp, I then proceed, to make my appointment on time.
I reached my chiropractors building, searched for a parking spot, found one up front!
Then I put my car in park (Oh, so I thought) and sat in my car (it was still on) while I gathered my stuff, all of a sudden I felt and saw my car move forward, I FREAKED out and slammed on my breaks, and my heart stopped beating for a moment,

but my car kept moving toward, I sat in my car expecting my car to slam into the sidewalk...

But it didn't, I then noticed to the left of me, another car was reversing.
That is all it was.
Because the other car was reversing, it seemed like my car was moving forward the whole time, probably because I never saw the person in the other car in the first place.

That was my shocking moment of the .. month

1 comment:

Danelle said...

HOLY Crap I cannot tell you how many times that has happened to me!!!! its freakin ridiculous!!! I hate when it happens... i get sooo freaked out.. haha but its nice to know it happens to other people :)

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